Lectures About Sufism


A Year With Rumi – Lectures About Sufism
(On Request with Appointment )




Sufism Lectures by Les Arts Turcs

Known to the west as Whirling Dervishes, the Mevlevi Order was founded by Mevlana Rumi in the 13th century. The Order wrote of tolerance, forgiveness, and enlightenment. They survive today as a cultural brotherhood. They are not theatrical spectacles but sacred rituals. The ritual of the Mevlevi sect, known as the sema, is a serious religious ritual performed by Muslim priests in a prayer trance to Allah. Mevlevi believed that during the sema the soul was released from earthly ties, and able to freely and jubilantly commune with the divine. Dervish literally means “doorway” and is thought to be an entrance from this material world to the spiritual, heavenly world. The Whirling Dervishes played an important part in the evolution of Ottoman high culture.

In this lectures ; We will try to find answer to your questions and explain you the general essences such as ;

* What are the doctrines of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi ?

* What does ” Dervish ” mean in Sufism ?

* How is the family life of a Sufi Dervish ? ( Marriage, Children, Family )

* What is the background of Sufi Doctrine & Discipline ?

* Influence of Sufism in the world today ?

If you would like to participate in our speeches; please send us an e-mail.

Suggested fee is 45 Euro per person.. Discounts available for Families & Children.

Bazaar Turkey – Les Arts Turcs Art Studio
Alemdar Mh. Incili Cavus St.
No: 19 Floor : 3 (Behind The Underground Cistern)
Sultanahmet 34110
Istanbul, Turkey
Contact : Mr. Alp or Mr. Nurdogan ( Phone : +90 544 220 10 22 )
E-mail : info@bazaarturkey.com

Google Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/uXuyRmELZsx

Lectures About Sufism Istanbul

Get together at the sea , when we are a drop….

Love needs morality . Sufism is inside of this heart. If you wanna be a friends , figure out love inside of your heart .Dervish Erol will show the way of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi.

Take part in garden of heart . ALLAH ( The God ) created this universe for human . ALLAH created all humans for himself.

If you find the secret of your mind and heart , you will find ALLAH and loves ….

Because you are the most beatiful created ever .. You are very important for ALLAH .

Love Love Love…..

Close the language door,
and open the love window
The moon won’t use the door
Only the window

HZ Mevlana

Ey Dost …. Minareden dusersen seni ben toplarim !!!!
Gonlumden dusersen , parcan kalmaz….

Ey dunya sevgisini dost sananlar UYANIN
Efendimizin bahcesinde gullere BOYANIN
Bende sizin gibi virane idim GONLUMDE
Peygamber Efendimin adini duyunca hayat buldum bedenimde..

Hey Human love the world to think those AWAKENING
Paint rose of the garden of the Lord’s
I like you, I was desolate in my heart
I found your body, the name of the Prophet heard in my life ..

Sweet Moments All to be shared with real friend !!!!

Be lower a lover . Choose love that you might be a choosen one.

Human is the most honorable of all creation.

Lectures About Sufism



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